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Here you will see clan member sreenshots of there car doing crazy cool stunts

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Hear is SPECxFIRE doing his drifting near  the big hills and around the carnival area. Look at all that SMOKE!


Hear is SPECxChilean getting launched in the air by SPECxFIRE with there cars on the cole harbor drag.

SPECxChilean* + SPECxRather

SPECxChilean and SPECxRather crash and fly in the air doing spins and flips.


SPECxRather doing his long wheelie on the bridge to cross the boarder.


If you look closely you can see SPECxRather flying in the air over my car, well sort of, but hes still high.


SPECxFire and his cool looking car on fire!


SPECxChilean flying in the air, even higher this time then before (this was no the highest I went on this jump)


Here is SPECxFire getting some gas at the gas pump in cole harbor.


SPECxTuner drifting out of the highway in style!